Having A Chinese Crested In The Winter

Well it is now the middle of Nov. and the mornings are beginning to bet a little cold.  My dog Harry still likes to go outside just not for as long as he used to.  My dad bought a dress for his Yorkie Monica, just to see how they look as he is thinking about selling them on my mom's website, she sell's yorkies, here is a link to her website http://pruittsyorkiepuppiesforsale.com/yorkie-puppies-for-sale/ . Anyway I am thinking about buying Harry a coat before winter.  I tried one on him a couple of years ago and he really did not like it.  Not at all.  Well if I do decide to get him something to wear I will be sure to share it with all of you.  Life really is great.

Training A Chinese Crested

I saw a how to train a Chinese crested article the the other day and it sounded awful familiar.  Alright I am not going to tell a lie.  My dad wrote it and that is a picture of my dog harry.  I believe that I may have gone past the point of no return as far as spoiling him is concerned.  He won't even try to get up into my bed any more at night.  He just whines and barks until I lift him up.  What have I done???  WHAT HAVE I DONE??

That's ok.  He is the best dog ever.

Harry's Routine

Today I am going to tell you a little bit about my dog Harry.  He has three girlfriends and their names are ; Lola, Coco and Gracie. They are yorkies.

Harry sleeps with me in my bed at night. He gets all snuggled up under the covers and he does not move until I wake up in the morning.

We live on a farm. Lately my dogs have been passing the time trying to catch a pesky fly. Since this is the first post I have ever made it will be a short one. Hopefully next time I will have a lot more to say.

And as my dad always say "Have a great day"

Emily's Blog

Hello and welcome. This blog belongs to Emily Pruitt. She has been asking me for quite some time if she can have a blog. Well she asked again this morning if she can have one that she can write about her dog Harry who is a Chinese Crested. She loves this dog very much and he loves her. Well, I hope you enjoy and thank you for your kindness.

Todd Pruitt